American Escorts

USA Based & Available Courtesans - Those who find themselves located on this page, happen to either be independent escorts in the US, or may even be those who tour this country and can visit upon request. It's important to make the request to the particular lady directly, rather than through our contact form. We wish to encourage more listings on this page, so anyone who is available here may not necessarily be residing or actually be in America at the time.

This section be a little baron at this moment in time, but we wish to go forward with a plan to develop it and create a site where people are happy to return to find sexy American escort girls. Considerations were made to lowering the number of sub galleries that we previously created, but the intention is to now work on the existing ones for major cities. Should the popularity increase, then new cities can be introduced.


The USA is such a diverse source of many things. People from all corners of the globe desire to live the dream, whether it is obtainable or not. It's highly plausible that films and Hollywood have made such an impact around the world that many see this as the pace to be. With this in mind, it can be expected that those who choose to work in the adult industry are varied and highly mixed in both culture and appearance.

Expect to find many origins in all parts of this huge nation of over three hundred million citizens. Escorts in America tend to be located in the major metropolitan areas and are usually Caucasian, Black or in an ever increasing number Hispanic. This is down to the general large increase in population from those originally from Mexico. With American girls, there are so many possibilities for a different mix of heritage and looks. There is something for everyone, and there are many different sources in this sector with plenty of women offering services.

With many large cities along either the East or West coast, or some in the Midwest, research is key as to where is the best place to visit if you wish to be entertained by independent escorts America. Whether they are females or even in some cases males, be sure to check that all image used on the profile of the woman of your choice, are real. take time thoroughly read through the bio shown. Try to choose American call girls with class who charge higher fees. They may even suggest that you be referred to them for their security.

Independent American Escorts

Chicago Escorts are at the heart of the Midwest, and can be found throughout all neighbourhoods. The highest class chicks available are likely to be around Roscoe Village or areas nearest to Lake Michigan.

Houston Escorts we don't have a problem. There are many hotties here in this large Southern Texas city. The sexy independent girls based here charge fair rates and are very friendly and discreet.

Las Vegas Escorts have been on the adult scene for some time, ever since this place sprang up as a small town in the middle of the desert. These days there are a bevy of young beauties from all over America who are able to provide the girlfriend experience.

Los Angeles Escorts - One of the top places to find Independent American escorts is of course in Hollywood and the vast area that is LA. It's blatantly obvious that this is where all the glamorous ladies of the US and beyond, flock to. Some of the top madams of our times and it could be said American escort agencies have been located here.

Miami Escorts are high in pedigree, and are often of many different ethnic groups. You would obviously expect to find a high number of Hispanic ladies here, due to it's geographical location. There are also many Caucasian women, but these are from out of town, often drawn in by the chilled way of life and beach weather.

New York Escorts - Noted for being one of the truly great world cities, it is widely considered to be the best city in the world, though probably mostly by Americans. If you imagine a tiny compacted area where over 8 million people reside, and those there are from many different cultures, then you have the perfect place for meeting a top companion or model.

Omaha Escorts can be found in high numbers across the internet. This may not seem like an obvious working girl hub, but being the largest city in Nebraska makes for a sizeable location with very few other large metropolitan areas anywhere close.

Orlando Escorts make for good companions for those who travel here for a holiday or vacation. A lot of the clients the girls see, are likely to be from overseas where escort laws are more liberal. Those gents who can sneak away from their families will no doubt have a whale of a time with the locals.

The Independent American Escorts situated in this section of our directory are professionals and of the highest quality. Advertisers along with those looking for companionship, should be aware of local laws in the USA. We can take no responsibility for what is displayed or suggested by the adult worker, along with how potential clients wish to interpret it.